Mega Backdoor Roth: Part 1

Mega Backdoor Roth: Part 1

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is whether we can create a “mega backdoor Roth” inside a client’s 401(k) plan. While a lot of inquirers believe this is one simple box to check inside a plan, it in fact involves several steps and provisions that...
What’s New In Washington: Legislative Update

What’s New In Washington: Legislative Update

Though there’s certainly nothing to rival SECURE 2.0,there are a number of retirement-related bills winding their way through Congress. Technical Corrections for SECURE 2.0 The only bill likely to pass this year is a bill to make several corrections to provisions of...
SECURE 2.0 Automatic Enrollment

SECURE 2.0 Automatic Enrollment

SECURE 2.0 continues to be a hot topic as the provisions become effective and we get additional insights and guidance from the regulating agencies. Our focus on SECURE 2.0 continues with a look at SECURE 2.0’s automatic enrollment provisions. A Brief Refresher SECURE...